Tucked away in Southeastern Sacramento County California is a small ranch where you will
find some of the best working Quarter Horse blood in the Country! Riedel Ranch
Quarter Horses (RRQH) is a small ranch, but bustling with activity and although not fancy
is neat and clean. The young horses are all consistently nice - good confirmation,
have great minds and are beautiful to look at.
How does this happen? Mike
and Sandra Riedel decided from day one to be
honest and
ethical and it will pay off in the long run.
Riedel's have been all over the State and Country talking to the "Pros" in
the business. They have taken extensive college courses in equine Reproduction,
Husbandry and Management and read everything they can get their hands on. They have
also surrounded themselves with the best: trainers, veterinarian and farrier.
They feel strongly this support system must be in place to have a successful operation.
When the
Riedels chose their mares, they bought
the best mares they could and are breeding to the
best stallions available. They think through every single breeding, studying the
bloodlines, confirmation and disposition of every match. Their mares are own
daughters of Sugar Vandy, Mr. Tony Chex and Five Bar Finale and Nu Bar, boasting some of
the best pedigrees around. They are all winners, have produced winners or have
winners close up in their family. They have been breeding to the Top Stallions in
the Industry. It was the magic cross of Grays Starlight x Bed Chexx that produced JUNIOR STARLIGHT.